
Things to keep in mind…


  1. The first step is to acknowledge that all emotions stem from within us, and we hold the power to shape our internal states. Despite external circumstances or interactions, realizing that we are the creators of our emotions is pivotal.


  1. The second step is to prioritize inner peace over the need to be right or maintain control in every situation. Letting go of the urge to control outcomes opens the door to profound inner peace.


  1. The third step – understand that underlying many of our emotions are fundamental desires such as seeking approval, control, or safety. Recognizing and acknowledging these desires allows us to address them directly, leading to greater emotional freedom.


  1. The fourth step – embrace letting go as a daily practice rather than a sporadic event. Make it an integral part of your inner journey, weaving it into your daily routines and interactions. By consistently practicing letting go, you’ll experience a life filled with freedom, joy, and lightness.